About US

As I mentioned: I, and my wife do love to Cook, and we do love to share our success' and failures, along with the pictures, recipes, reference data and such with you.
But, I hope you understand that all of this takes time, and at times some level of investment on our part.
That is why we include Ads for our books, and writings, along with those Ads that are attached by Google and Amazon, among others.
When you Click on an Ad, or Blog posting, or whatever, my Blog information is eligible to be pushed up the ladder of listings on that subject that you were searching for, thus giving us more exposure to other people.
And, we also become eligible for some fraction of pennies from the people that posted the Ad you happened to Click on, whether you purchase anything or not.
In Summary, we get support, and some small compensation when you; read our Blogs and Postings, sign up as a follower, Click on Ads by others, and such.
Your Support is appreciated, and will help keep us; researching, cooking, experimenting and passing on information to you.

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